Empowering Women to Choose Life
In 1981 the Howard County Pregnancy Center opened its doors as the only pregnancy resource center in Howard County, serving women and families facing unplanned pregnancies. At that time Howard County teenagers had the highest per capita abortion rate in the state. Today we operate as the Columbia Pregnancy Center and we are still the only pregnancy center in Howard County. In August of 2020, in the midst of the Coronavirus Pandemic, we moved to our Guilford Road office, more than doubling our square footage so we could have appropriate space for our growing clientele. Although our name has changed, our mission has always been the same: to empower women to choose life.
We are a faith-based, nonprofit medical clinic serving women and families in Howard County by providing free pregnancy-related services and life-affirming pregnancy choices. Our Medical Director is a licensed practicing physician and our Nurse Manager is trained in performing Limited Obstetrics Ultrasounds. We provide counseling and educational instruction through trained volunteers and cutting edge online programs; additional volunteers serve by providing leadership on the Board of Directors, office assistance, accounting and legal services, language interpretation, donation sorting, and event coordination.
Our services have always been entirely free to clients, thanks to the generosity of our donors and faithful volunteers. Our greatest joy is when a mother returns to let us meet her new baby!
993 unique clients served
667 pregnancy tests performed
403 sonograms performed
87% of undecided women chose life after seeing the sonogram
66 fatherhood intakes