You can make a difference for mothers in need.
You can make a difference for the lives of the unborn.
There’s a reason you’ve found yourself at this page.
You can save a baby’s life. Wow. Let that sink in for a moment. Mothers who consider abortion often face circumstances that seem too overwhelming to bear. Your generosity can change grief, fear, and impossibility into hope, into survival, even into joy.
So many of the women who make their way to the Columbia Pregnancy Center lack the luxury of a strong support system. It may be impossible for them to imagine how they will feed, house, clothe, and care for themselves, much less a defenseless little child. It’s a tough world out there and for a mother alone, it can be paralyzing.
This is where you come in. Our donors and volunteers are who make the Columbia Pregnancy Center’s work possible, they are the lifeline. You pay for the office rent so there’s a place for a frightened mother to turn, for the telephone lines and websites that let her know where we are. You provide the car seats, the clothing, the diapers and other immediate needs that can help pave the way for a soft landing. You create a safe place for her to think, to share, to grieve, to contemplate a different life than the one she had planned, to somehow make it through to the other side. Along with the Center’s staff and volunteers, your generosity is a lifeline of hope, saving one life at a time.
There are many ways you can support
the Columbia Pregnancy Center.
We are 100% donor-funded. Your donations go directly to helping mothers and babies. Our monthly donors (no amount is too small!) provide the consistency that we need from day to day to keep our doors open. Consider a monetary gift in honor of your mother, a new grandchild, or to honor someone who is pro-life.
Established in 1981, the Columbia Pregnancy Center is a registered 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization operating under Pregnancy Center, Inc. All donations are tax-deductible. Our EIN number is 52-1731880.
Our free boutique is one of the most tangible ways we support women and families during pregnancy and after. Needs don’t stop once a precious little one enters the world and because of your generous donations, our support doesn’t either. From diapers to formula, to baby gear you no longer use—these gifts are life changing to a family in need.
We always need volunteers to serve as client advocates. We will train you! If you are an RN or a PA, or if you have computer expertise, we could really use your help. We would love extra help in the office or planning events. We are especially in need of male volunteers and Spanish-speaking volunteers. Are you called to serve? Check out our Volunteer Info page!
There are several ways you can support our mission with the power of prayer:
Personal Prayer – Please remember us in your personal prayers—may we reach more abortion-vulnerable clients and help them to value the life within them.
Adoration – Consider joining our weekly Adoration rotation at the St. Louis Chapel (12500 Clarksville Pike in Clarksville, MD) each Sunday from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm.
Rosary – The Rosary is offered Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10:00am in the Prayer Room at the Columbia Pregnancy Center. All are welcome to join us in praying for our Moms and for strong families throughout this nation.
PRAYER LINK – From time to time we have special or urgent prayer intentions. Sign up below for PRAYER LINK and when these needs arise you’ll receive an email with these special prayer requests.
““We support the Columbia Pregnancy Center simply because we respect LIFE. Not only the life of the unborn but the life of all God’s creations from the unborn to the elderly. We have been blessed with a beautiful life and our only thought is to provide assistance to a worthy organization such as the CPC, which upholds the sanctity of life as God’s command. We will continue to support this wonderful organization for we believe in its mission and have great faith in the people who are behind it.””