Mariana’s story

One day my heart was broken into a million pieces. I was six months pregnant, and the doctors gave me two pieces of bad news: first, my baby girl had a heart defect that seemed incompatible with life; and second, I only had two weeks to decide whether to continue or interrupt the pregnancy.  It is impossible to describe the inner conflict I suffered throughout my pregnancy. I didn’t want to abort but I could not help feeling guilt and despair at the prospect of bringing a child into the world only to suffer.

The moment I walked into the Pregnancy Center I felt peace, trust, and care. However, it was in the support group that I found the strength I needed. One woman shared with me her experience, a very powerful message, that helped me make this important decision. She carried a stillborn baby to full term and was happy with her decision as it was God’s. At that moment I realized that deep down I had never really wanted an abortion, but somehow, I had been convinced it was for the best. But my baby girl wanted to live, wanted me to give her a chance! She was growing “with me”. 

Doctors accepted my decision to go on with the pregnancy and I felt secure and protected in the hospital. On May 19th, 2021, Valentina arrived in my life and changed it forever. With medication, her little heart worked. It has been a long road of navigating hospitals and surgeries. Valentina had her first operation at 3 months, the second at 12 months and a third will be necessary at 3 years old. But she has me to hold her hand and I have her to hold my heart. She is not only beautiful but a strong brave little baby.

Columbia Pregnancy Center and its support group have been a blessing in my life. Being a single mom and with so much fear about what to expect, they have been my refuge, my little new family, and my secure place to express my feelings. Looking back, I am not sure what would have been my decision if I hadn’t walked into the Center that day. Thanks so much to all the people that participate in making this possible!