2024 Annual Banquet
A Message from the director of operations for the columbia Pregnancy center
The theme of our 2024 annual banquet fundraiser to support the Columbia Pregnancy Center is Hope the great virtue whereby we place our trust in Christ’s promises as we yearn and work for his kingdom, relying not our own strength, but on the grace and gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Hope inspires the Columbia Pregnancy Center in its mission to empower women to choose life. Prayers were answered with the overturning of Roe. v. Wade, but there are still battles to fight and win. Interstate travel for abortions, abortion access through tele-health, and the practice of chemical abortion have all increased. And though many states have formally ended their abortion practices, many others like ours have even increased efforts to enshrine these practices which violate the dignity of human life, especially of the most vulnerable. Therefore, it continues to be the mission of the Center to provide this Hope to women who, otherwise, out of fear and desperation would consider abortion.
We hope we can count on your partnership in our mission of empowering women to choose life and that you consider a generous donation towards that goal. Thank you and may God bless you abundantly and may He continue to guide, bless, and protect the Columbia Pregnancy Center.
Director of Operations